- Drew, Lieutenant-Colonel George A., The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club of Canada, 1940), 23 Nov 1939, 150-164 Understanding the nature of the victory that we hope to win. Being clear on our ideas as to why we are fighting and what it is we hope to accomplish. The victory of common sense and reason over the eDrew, Lieutenant-Colonel George A., The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club of Canada, 1940), 23 Nov 1939, 150-164 Understanding the nature of the victory that we hope to win. Being …
- Harvey, Monsieur Jean-Charles, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club of Canada, 1939), 19 Jan 1939, 184-199 The issue of Canadian unity made problematic in that we are not all of the same character. A remarriage in 1759. Most disagreements or misunderstandings grounded on prejudice or ignorance, neither ofHarvey, Monsieur Jean-Charles, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club of Canada, 1939), 19 Jan 1939, 184-199 The issue of Canadian unity made problematic in that we are not …
- Rogers, Sherman, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club of Canada, 1940), 12 Oct 1939, 53-74 The American people against Hitler. The willingness of the American people to participate in this war. Radicalism. Democracy. Asking and answering the question "What do you think the employee gets ofRogers, Sherman, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club of Canada, 1940), 12 Oct 1939, 53-74 The American people against Hitler. The willingness of the American people to …
- Mann, Klaus, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club of Canada, 1939), 9 Feb 1939, 230-242 The popularity of "Mein Kampf" in Germany. A literary critique of the book. The importance of the book to anyone interested in the future of Europe, and the future of the world. What Hitler's book reMann, Klaus, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club of Canada, 1939), 9 Feb 1939, 230-242 The popularity of "Mein Kampf" in Germany. A literary critique of the …
- Jackson, Gilbert E., The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club of Canada, 1940), 7 Dec 1939, 181-192 Divisions in Canada. Immigrants becoming Canadians by choice. Some autobiography. The period of necessary adjustment that immigrants go through. The moment the speaker feels that he became a CanadianJackson, Gilbert E., The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club of Canada, 1940), 7 Dec 1939, 181-192 Divisions in Canada. Immigrants becoming Canadians by choice. Some autobiography. The period …
- Snider, C.H.J., The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club of Canada, 1940), 14 Dec 1939, 193-209 "War With the Blinds Down" what the speaker saw in Poland, Danzig, Finland, Holland and Britain last year and last spring, and what he saw in the last three months. Neutral profiteers and other cynicSnider, C.H.J., The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club of Canada, 1940), 14 Dec 1939, 193-209 "War With the Blinds Down" what the speaker saw in Poland, Danzig, …
- Graham, John, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club of Canada, 1940), 7 Sep 1939, 13-24 The advent of war. Congratulating the City of Toronto on the Canadian National Exhibition. The promotion of the Empire Exhibition in 1938 by the Scottish Development Council. Old and new impressionsGraham, John, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club of Canada, 1940), 7 Sep 1939, 13-24 The advent of war. Congratulating the City of Toronto on the Canadian …
- Cavell, Captain R.G., The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club of Canada, 1939), 2 Feb 1939, 214-229 This address is a description and discussion of the speaker's experiences as he worked and travelled through the British Empire, speaking on the subject "Canada and the British Empire." The year 1938Cavell, Captain R.G., The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club of Canada, 1939), 2 Feb 1939, 214-229 This address is a description and discussion of the speaker's experiences as …
- Mess, Lieutenant-Colonel James, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club of Canada, 1939), 12 Jan 1939, 171-183 Reaching conclusions and interpreting news of international importance without too much criticism of the actions of our Mother Country, although our independent Canadian spirit demands that we criticMess, Lieutenant-Colonel James, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club of Canada, 1939), 12 Jan 1939, 171-183 Reaching conclusions and interpreting news of international importance without too much criticism …
- Lindal, W.J., The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club of Canada, 1939), 27 Apr 1939, 393-409 Looking back through history in order to see if a common ground of ideas and ideals can be found which might be made a background upon which a common policy of defence might be based. Our DemocraticLindal, W.J., The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club of Canada, 1939), 27 Apr 1939, 393-409 Looking back through history in order to see if a common ground …