- Chaudhuri, General J.N., The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 1968), 12 Oct 1967, 93-106 India—its history and civilization. Her cultural and philosophical values. Politics. British rule and its effects. India since independence in 1947: economy, population, health, food production, poliChaudhuri, General J.N., The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 1968), 12 Oct 1967, 93-106 India—its history and civilization. Her cultural and philosophical values. Politics. British rule …
- Jennings, Peter, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 1967), 16 Feb 1967, 221-234 A joint meeting of The Empire Club of Canada and The Canadian Club of Toronto. The U.S. soldier and what he faces in Vietnam where he becomes "a most unsophisticated fighting machine" because of a coJennings, Peter, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 1967), 16 Feb 1967, 221-234 A joint meeting of The Empire Club of Canada and The Canadian …
- Nixon, Robert F., The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 1967), 20 Apr 1967, 352-366 1967 marking 175 years since the beginnings of democracy, British justice and a parliamentary procedure in Ontario. Some history of that beginning era, and of John Graves Simcoe as a political visionNixon, Robert F., The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 1967), 20 Apr 1967, 352-366 1967 marking 175 years since the beginnings of democracy, British justice and …
- Drapeau, Mayor Jean, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 1967), 19 Jan 1967, 161-171 Cities on the move. The shift in population since 1941, from rural to urban districts. Some figures. The growing importance in the political, economic and social structure, of cities. All aspects ofDrapeau, Mayor Jean, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 1967), 19 Jan 1967, 161-171 Cities on the move. The shift in population since 1941, from rural …
- Lawson, Harold R., The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 1967), 9 Mar 1967, 253-276 A discussion of "the relationship that exists between Canada and the United States, and the possibility of further strengthening the ties that bind our two great nations together." A review with exteLawson, Harold R., The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 1967), 9 Mar 1967, 253-276 A discussion of "the relationship that exists between Canada and the United …
- Burt, George, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 1967), 23 Feb 1967, 235-243 The Canada-U.S. Automotive Products Agreement: some history of the agreement and the position of the membership of the union. Results of a Royal Commission chaired by Prof. Vincent Bladen of the UnivBurt, George, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 1967), 23 Feb 1967, 235-243 The Canada-U.S. Automotive Products Agreement: some history of the agreement and the …
- Nixon, The Hon. Richard M., The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 1968), 24 May 1967, 18-32 The great influence and interest, of both Canada and the United States, in Asia today and why this is so. A discussion of Asia in terms of the promises of the future. To begin, remarks about VietnamNixon, The Hon. Richard M., The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 1968), 24 May 1967, 18-32 The great influence and interest, of both Canada and the United States, …
- Winter, The Hon. Robert H., The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 1967), 5 Jan 1967, 137-147 A project which qualified as a Centennial observance: a stepped-up export promotional programme by the Department of Trade and Commerce. The direct link between an expanding export performance and soWinter, The Hon. Robert H., The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 1967), 5 Jan 1967, 137-147 A project which qualified as a Centennial observance: a stepped-up export promotional …
- Coggan, His Grace The Archbishop of York, The Most Rev. Dr. Donald, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 1968), 1 Jun 1967, 33-40 A joint meeting of The Empire Club of Canada, The Canadian Club of Toronto, and the Canadian Bible Society. Why a subject connected with the Bible is so immediately relevant to the 20th-century worldCoggan, His Grace The Archbishop of York, The Most Rev. Dr. Donald, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 1968), 1 Jun 1967, 33-40 A joint meeting of The Empire Club of Canada, The Canadian Club …
- Strong, Maurice F., The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 1967), 26 Jan 1967, 172-186 The widening of the gap between the rich nations and the poor nations over the last decade. Consequences, as seen throughout history, of failing to heed the cries of hungry people on the march. AssisStrong, Maurice F., The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 1967), 26 Jan 1967, 172-186 The widening of the gap between the rich nations and the poor …