- Rock, His Excellency Mr. Allan, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 2006), 19 May 2005, 413-426 Some personal reminiscences. Speaking today as Canada's ambassador to the United Nations. Anecdotes about the speaker's experience at the UN. The UN's shortcomings and how it happened - an explicatioRock, His Excellency Mr. Allan, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 2006), 19 May 2005, 413-426 Some personal reminiscences. Speaking today as Canada's ambassador to the United Nations. …
- Heeney, Arnold D.P., The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 1952), 25 Oct 1951, 65-73 A joint meeting of The Empire Club of Canada and The United nations Association in Canada (Toronto Branch) United Nations Day yesterday—the sixth anniversary of the coming into force of that great agHeeney, Arnold D.P., The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 1952), 25 Oct 1951, 65-73 A joint meeting of The Empire Club of Canada and The United …
- Korn, Lester B., The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 1989), 27 Oct 1988, 93-101 A new spirit of co-operation on the world scene. The more vigorous role as peace-keeper assumed by the United Nations. The progress made at the UN in four critical areas. The speaker's thoughts aboutKorn, Lester B., The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 1989), 27 Oct 1988, 93-101 A new spirit of co-operation on the world scene. The more vigorous …
- Tweedsmuir, Lady, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 1961), 17 Nov 1960, 94-103 Some of the speaker's impressions of an Assembly described by the Prime Minister as "this extraordinary and dramatic assembly." Some milestones for this Assembly of the United Nations. A review of thTweedsmuir, Lady, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 1961), 17 Nov 1960, 94-103 Some of the speaker's impressions of an Assembly described by the Prime …
- MacKenzie, Major General (Ret'd) Lewis, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 2005), 14 Apr 2004, 307-318 Some personal reminiscences. The timeliness and importance of the topic. The UN's original role. The Security Council trapped in a 1945 time warp. The veto. The council's work during the Cold War. ThMacKenzie, Major General (Ret'd) Lewis, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 2005), 14 Apr 2004, 307-318 Some personal reminiscences. The timeliness and importance of the topic. The UN's …
- Catlin, Professor G.E.G., The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 1948), 9 Oct 1947, 43-55 The theme of world organization for peace, and within that framework, a fusion of the United States and the British Commonwealth. A fusion of the West within the framework of world government. WordsCatlin, Professor G.E.G., The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 1948), 9 Oct 1947, 43-55 The theme of world organization for peace, and within that framework, a …
- Jebb, Sir Gladwyn, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 1952), 13 Aug 1951, 1-13 A joint meeting of The Empire Club of Canada and The Canadian Club of Toronto. What the United Nations really is. Two extreme personifications of the United Nations; neither of them the true one. TheJebb, Sir Gladwyn, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 1952), 13 Aug 1951, 1-13 A joint meeting of The Empire Club of Canada and The Canadian …
- Lynch, Charles B., The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 1958), 24 Oct 1957, 47-59 Speaking both objectively and critically about the United Nations on United Nations Day. Yesterday as the first anniversary of the outbreak of fighting in Budapest. What the Russians did, and what thLynch, Charles B., The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 1958), 24 Oct 1957, 47-59 Speaking both objectively and critically about the United Nations on United Nations …
- Martin, The Honourable Paul, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 1961), 6 Oct 1960, 9-23 The importance and inevitability of the United Nations as established by events of the last year, particularly in the Congo and now in the current Fifteenth Assembly of the United Nations, to maintaiMartin, The Honourable Paul, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 1961), 6 Oct 1960, 9-23 The importance and inevitability of the United Nations as established by events …
- Fraser, Blair, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 1961), 20 Oct 1960, 33-44 The speaker begins by stating four main points of the "current orthodoxy of North American and Western position in the world." Briefly, they are: Western prestige has never been higher and Soviet preFraser, Blair, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 1961), 20 Oct 1960, 33-44 The speaker begins by stating four main points of the "current orthodoxy …