- Dodge, David, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 2006), 9 Dec 2004, 121-132 A joint meeting of The Empire Club of Canada and The Canadian Club of Toronto. A red-letter day on the Bank of Canada's calendar. The latest edition of our semi-annual Financial System Review. How thDodge, David, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 2006), 9 Dec 2004, 121-132 A joint meeting of The Empire Club of Canada and The Canadian …
- Jamieson, Roberta, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 2006), 2 Dec 2004, 108-120 Where we are in regard to Canada's relationship with First Nations, Metis, and Inuit people - we're stuck. A very compressed view of history. What happened in 1982 with regard to Aboriginal and treatJamieson, Roberta, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 2006), 2 Dec 2004, 108-120 Where we are in regard to Canada's relationship with First Nations, Metis, …
- Handley, The Hon. Joseph, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 2006), 24 Nov 2004, 97-107 The current situation in the Northwest Territories. Priorities for the future. Raising awareness - what happens in the Northwest Territories has a direct bearing on life in the south. How economic acHandley, The Hon. Joseph, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 2006), 24 Nov 2004, 97-107 The current situation in the Northwest Territories. Priorities for the future. Raising …
- McGuinty, The Hon. Dalton, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 2006), 24 Mar 2005, 296-306 A look back at Ontario's history within Confederation. A clear-eyed view of where things stand today. A vision of our shared future. Ontario as the economic engine of Canada. Ontario as the heart ofMcGuinty, The Hon. Dalton, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 2006), 24 Mar 2005, 296-306 A look back at Ontario's history within Confederation. A clear-eyed view of …
- Lord, The Hon. Bernard, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 2006), 23 Sep 2004, 1-9 Canada now 137 years old. A longer history in the province - 400 years. Some history of New Brunswick, and New Brunswick as a microcosm of the Canadian experience. The many challenges faced by CanadaLord, The Hon. Bernard, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 2006), 23 Sep 2004, 1-9 Canada now 137 years old. A longer history in the province - …
- Binns, The Hon. Patrick George, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 2006), 21 Oct 2004, 49-59 PEI as a province on the move. PEI as part of the national and global economy. Building a sustainable economy. Some facts and figures. Population growth. Exports. Reputation. Cultural industries. TheBinns, The Hon. Patrick George, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 2006), 21 Oct 2004, 49-59 PEI as a province on the move. PEI as part of the …
- Crispino, Len, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 2006), 28 Sep 2004, 10-20 The Ontario Economic Summit initiative. Seeking real solutilons for today's challenges. Some context. Several key economic advantages for Ontario. Strong foundations. Challenges to face. Some businesCrispino, Len, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 2006), 28 Sep 2004, 10-20 The Ontario Economic Summit initiative. Seeking real solutilons for today's challenges. Some …
- Marsden, Dr. Lorna; Miner, Dr. Rick, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 2006), 31 Mar 2005, 307-317 Dr. Lorna Marsden York University's 50,000 students and the speaker's list of three requirements she believes would be needed to launch these students onto the next stages of their lives. The need foMarsden, Dr. Lorna; Miner, Dr. Rick, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 2006), 31 Mar 2005, 307-317 Dr. Lorna Marsden York University's 50,000 students and the speaker's list of …
- Klein, The Hon. Ralph, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 2006), 12 Jan 2005, 213-224 The "Alberta Supernet" project. Similar issues across the country: health care, education, large cities. The "Hay West" program and other examples of the hand of friendship between Alberta and OntariKlein, The Hon. Ralph, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 2006), 12 Jan 2005, 213-224 The "Alberta Supernet" project. Similar issues across the country: health care, education, …
- Taylor, Hannah, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 2006), 21 Apr 2005, 339-345 How this nine-year-old speaker became so concerned about the homeless. The spekaer conveyed several anecdotes. Ways in which we can help.Taylor, Hannah, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club Foundation, 2006), 21 Apr 2005, 339-345 How this nine-year-old speaker became so concerned about the homeless. The spekaer …