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- Hepburn, the Honourable Mitchell F., The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club of Canada, 1939), 15 Dec 1938, 153-170 Saving Canada. The speaker's belief in one Canada, not nine Canadas. Canadians now passing through a transition period which is taxing the capacities of those charged with the responsibility of shapiHepburn, the Honourable Mitchell F., The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club of Canada, 1939), 15 Dec 1938, 153-170 Saving Canada. The speaker's belief in one Canada, not nine Canadas. Canadians …
- Hardwicke, Sir Cedric, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club of Canada, 1939), 13 Oct 1938, 41-54 The speaker's experience in the theatre over the last 25 years. His witness to the theatre ceasing to be an important aspect of the town. Comments on the general lack of knowledge of the theatre. A dHardwicke, Sir Cedric, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club of Canada, 1939), 13 Oct 1938, 41-54 The speaker's experience in the theatre over the last 25 years. His …
- Clark, Gregory, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club of Canada, 1939), 4 Apr 1939, 348-360 The speaker's return from a trip to Rome, Paris and London. A report on what he saw and heard. Dealing with the question "How near is war?" The speaker's feeling that there will be no war, and why heClark, Gregory, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club of Canada, 1939), 4 Apr 1939, 348-360 The speaker's return from a trip to Rome, Paris and London. A …
- Page, Right Honourable Sir Earle, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club of Canada, 1939), 8 Aug 1938, 1-18 A special meeting of The Empire Club of Canada, in conjunction with The Toronto Board of Trade, The Canadian Manufacturers' Association, The Canadian Club, The Rotary and Kiwanis Clubs, in co-operatiPage, Right Honourable Sir Earle, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club of Canada, 1939), 8 Aug 1938, 1-18 A special meeting of The Empire Club of Canada, in conjunction with …
- Croft, Brigadier-General Sir Henry Page, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club of Canada, 1939), 30 Aug 1938, 19-29 Promoting reciprocal trade as the shortest basis perhaps of Empire unity. The vital nature of the unity today if the great fraternity of people is to take its part in leading civilization back to sanCroft, Brigadier-General Sir Henry Page, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club of Canada, 1939), 30 Aug 1938, 19-29 Promoting reciprocal trade as the shortest basis perhaps of Empire unity. The …
- Johnson, Philip G., The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club of Canada, 1939), 27 Oct 1938, 69-82 Flying in Canada. Pioneering in this field in Canada all done in the decade that preceded the formation of the Trans-Canada Air Lines. Some history and origins of flying in Canada, and the formationJohnson, Philip G., The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club of Canada, 1939), 27 Oct 1938, 69-82 Flying in Canada. Pioneering in this field in Canada all done in …
- Woodside, Willson, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club of Canada, 1939), 1 Dec 1938, 138-152 The historical and long-standing intense colonial, commercial and naval rivalry between Germany and Britain. The extreme envy and hatred of Britain which has been growing up in Germany, and as exhibiWoodside, Willson, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club of Canada, 1939), 1 Dec 1938, 138-152 The historical and long-standing intense colonial, commercial and naval rivalry between Germany …
- Alexander, Brigadier R.O., The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club of Canada, 1939), 20 Apr 1939, 377-392 A picture of Canada's defence forces. Canada's defence forces today consisting of naval, military and air forces functioning separately under their own laws, but controlled and administered under theAlexander, Brigadier R.O., The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club of Canada, 1939), 20 Apr 1939, 377-392 A picture of Canada's defence forces. Canada's defence forces today consisting of …
- MacNamara, Lieut-Colonel J.R.J., The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club of Canada, 1939), 26 Jan 1939, 200-213 How much the Spanish issue, both internal and external, has affected the whole world. The Spanish struggle going right back into medieval history. Now watching the spectacle of an old Spain turning iMacNamara, Lieut-Colonel J.R.J., The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club of Canada, 1939), 26 Jan 1939, 200-213 How much the Spanish issue, both internal and external, has affected the …
- Dolan, D. Leo, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club of Canada, 1939), 9 Mar 1939, 282-300 The importance to the economic welfare and progress of the Dominion of Canada of the tourist industry. A discussion of some of the things that have been done in Canada to create a greater interest inDolan, D. Leo, The Empire Club of Canada Addresses (Toronto, Canada: The Empire Club of Canada, 1939), 9 Mar 1939, 282-300 The importance to the economic welfare and progress of the Dominion of …
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